(i) Preamble
The LARKIN TRADERS PVT LTD Code of Ethics is essential in ensuring the proper conduct of our day-to-day business. This Group Instruction for Preventing Corruption with Suppliers and Contractors is designed to provide rules and procedures on how the LARKIN TRADERS PVT LTD Code of Ethics applies to relationships with Suppliers and Contractors.
(ii) What the LARKIN TRADERS PVT LTD Code of Ethics Says
“Suppliers’ and contractors' inputs represent a high proportion of the value of LARKIN TRADERS PVT LTD's products and services and play an important role in customer satisfaction. Purchasing decisions are based on objective assessment of the supplier or sub-contractor's reliability and integrity and on the overall value of the offering in view of short and long-term considerations and objectives.
For the interest of LARKIN TRADERS PVT LTD, the purchase of goods and services is based on the merits of price, quality, performance, delivery and suitability. The purchaser endeavours to ensure that a situation of dependence is not established with suppliers and sub-contractors, and therefore systematically develops credible alternatives. Care must be taken to avoid conflicts of interest and any appearance of partiality. Kickbacks are prohibited.
Relations with suppliers and contractors are governed by procedures set out by Sourcing and Supply Chain, which should be applied by everyone and are designed to ensure all suppliers and sub-contractors are treated equally.”
(iii) Audience
This Group Instruction for Preventing Corruption with Suppliers and Contractors is intended for every LARKIN TRADERS PVT LTD employee or entity who desires to establish an LARKIN TRADERS PVT LTD purchasing agreement with a Supplier or a Contractor. As Sourcing, Procurement and Supply Chain functions are the functions who usually face the situation, it is critical that in particular those employees are fully informed and comply with this Group Instruction. Other functions that are part of the supplier and sub-contractor’s selection process must also be fully informed and comply with this Group Instruction.
(iv) Objective
LARKIN TRADERS PVT LTD only works with reputable suppliers and sub-contractors. The Instruction for Preventing Corruption with Suppliers and Contractors applies Ethics & Compliance principles to the management of relationships between LARKIN TRADERS PVT LTD and suppliers or contractors.